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Summer is here at The Cobble Shop

Summer is finally here!! The sun is shining so it’s the perfect time to get your garden in shape and ready for those summer barbecue nights. We have some new additions that would be the perfect main attraction in your garden and brighten it up for these long summer nights. The first new addition we […]

RoundUp Weed Killers

RoundUp Weed Killers Do you have some unsightly weeds that you’d like to get rid of easily? Here at The Cobble Shop we have just the solution! We have a large selection of RoundUp Weed Killers to choose from ranging from handy 100ml click-dispenser applicators to a 5 litre pressure sprayer to stop those weeds […]

De-Icing Salt from The Cobble Shop

De-Icing Salt To make things easier and safer for everyone this winter, we will be supplying de-icing salt, which is highly effective at clearing paths, steps, driveways and pavements of ice. The salt works quickly and will prevent any nasty falls. We recommend spreading some the in the evening time to ensure no ice is […]